Here are some questions by a person by the name of Cris and my answers.
SUBJECT: IS The Ashtar Command Real? Part 2.
If you are real, why don't you do something to prove it to the whole world ?
JW In the past the space people have taken over the television of a large part of England and broadcasted their information to the people of Earth. They appeared over Washington, D.C in what was called the Washington Flap and sent one of their people from Venus called Valient Thor to live in the Pentagon for 2 years.
[K You should know better than anybody else that the
world is in a miserable
[K state, full of useless suffering, why don't you answer
the question that
[K is on just about everybody's lips : are alien beings
JW I once met a lady in Oakland, Calif. who was from Venus and she was real. To come to Earth from Venus they have to go through a frequency change that makes it to where they can live here. They are changed for the 4th dimension to the third dimension.
[K With just one show you would be able to remove all
doubts from our minds
[K and maybe give humanity the push it needs towards
the right direction..
JW They have appeared many times and if you tell the truth about what they are really doing you might wake up dead.
[K Quit all this channeling stuff,
JW Channeling is the same as receiving information from G-- like the prophets have been doing since day one.
, telepathy and all sorts of dimensions, we
[K can get to them whenever we are convinced you are
here, and do SOMETHING,
[K for crying out loud !
JW Cry loud enough and they may hear you. There is such a thing as free will and the good guys are not allowed interfere unless they are asked by enough people.
[K Bring those ships you tell us about here, in 3rd,
( I am sure you can do
[K that ) and fly them over our heads so we can see
JW In the past they have landed at Edwards Air Force Base in Calif. They have had President Ike come aboard a mother ship. He was seen across a conference table by another Earth person. This was recorded by certain UFO study groups and yet the average Earth person never heard about it.
[K Sure, some will get scared, some will go nuts, but
we can't affect you,
[K can we ? After all, you are immortal, as you said
in a previous message.
JW People from other planets have been killed by many people on this Earth. That's all the time I have for right now.
John Winston.